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Thermal Imaging

Digatherm thermography, or digital thermal imaging, is a diagnostic technology that uses thermal cameras to non-invasively study heat distribution in the body. The warmest parts of the body are indicated with shades of red, and the coolest parts of the body are shown with shades of blue.

A typical pet will have the same amount of blood flow on both sides of the body. If the veterinarian sees a difference between the blood flow on one side of the body and another, they would then be able to narrow the area of concern. This visual aid accompanies this tool and is highly beneficial in diagnosing the right areas of inflammation or lack of circulation in your pet’s body.

What Conditions Can Thermal Imaging Detect?

  • Pain and inflammation in the neck, back, and joints
  • Orthopedic issues
  • Infections
  • Leg lameness
  • Tendon or muscle injuries
  • Nervous dysfunctions
  • Allergies
  • Snake bites

Our veterinarians recommend that all pets get an initial Digitherm exam to obtain a “normal” baseline, so we can compare it to future images when we suspect illness or injury to your pet.

Call us today to schedule your pets Thermal Imaging at 256-442-PETS.