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Senior Dog Preventative Care

Senior Canine Preventative Care

As dogs age, we know that they, like people, have a greater risk of developing certain diseases and conditions. For example, we know that the incidence of problems such as heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis, and oral/dental disease increases with advancing age. Being aware of the health problems that can occur as your pet reaches their golden years, as well as what you can do to help keep them as healthy, active, and comfortable as possible, can ensure that you both enjoy the final stage in your pet’s life to the fullest.

However, when such diseases are diagnosed in their early stages, treatment to cure them or delay their progress can be given in most cases. For that reason, we recommend that all of our canine patients who are seven years of age or older have a senior preventive exam. As in all health evaluations, early detection is the key, as it allows for additional and better treatment options.

Our Senior Canine Preventative Exam Includes:

  • LOTS of love and treats to make your visit Fear-Free and memorable for good experiences!
  • A Fear Free comprehensive physical exam from head-to-tail
  • Develop a tailored vaccination plan of action based on your senior pet’s lifestyle
  • Screening and recommendations for preventing external parasites such as fleas and ticks
  • Screening and recommendations for preventing intestinal parasites
  • Screening and recommendations for preventing heartworms
  • Diagnostic testing, including a blood chemistry profile and complete blood count, will provide information about your pet’s kidneys, liver, and pancreas, as well as other functions of the body. A complete blood count can identify infection, inflammation, and anemia
  • A complete urinalysis will assess the overall health of your pet’s urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. It identifies an infection or inflammation in the urinary tract
  • A thyroid function test detects whether or not your pet’s thyroid gland is functioning correctly. Thyroid disease is very common in dogs
  • Nutritional counseling

What to Bring to Your Pets Senior Canine Preventative Exam?

All your questions and concerns! Bring any medications or supplements your pet is taking a comprehensive and detailed list, or photos on your cell. Bring details about what you are feeding your pet. We also ask that you bring a fresh stool sample and urine sample if possible. You can stop by the clinic and pick up a free stool and urine sample container. Give us a call when you arrive, and we will bring the sample containers to your car. For your and your pet’s safety, please bring your dog on a leash or in a secure carrier. When you and your pet arrive at the clinic, please choose one of our Curbside Parks and give us a call.

Call us today to schedule your pet’s Senior Canine Preventative Exam at 256-442-PETS.